1. First connection
SKALARKI TQ comes already assembled and ready to work. But to get it working, power supply for IO, Stepper motor and back light is needed (not included in package). Dedicated PEDESTAL PSU kit can be ordered from Online Shop.
Next step is to download latest release of SkalarkiIOProfiler. Package contains some folders including USB divers needed in next step. After downloading unpack archive to any location and keep structure of folders unchanged. This will help to manage correctly upgrade process once new versions of software and or drivers is released.
Once everything is ready (at least PSU for IO and back light is connected) plug in USB plug into PC.
2. Installing USB driver
As this is USB device installation procedure, proceeding is exactly same like for any other USB hardware.
3. Configuration in SkalarkiIO Profiler
First step of configuration should be done using "Settings" button, which leads to new dialog window. Here you need to pick your Aircraft version and developer (if not done earlier) as well as some hardware related settings like version of TQ you have (see engraving on the TQ panel).
To learn more how to use SkalarkiIOProfiler see here.
4. Elevator Trim Calibration.
- Pattern 1
- Pattern 2
- Pattern 3
- Pattern 4
5. "0" position calibration.
In order to start TQ always in "0" position we have implemented self positioning feature. Every time after start TQ trim wheel will go to "0" - then will connect to Profiler. Sometimes "0" position may be little bit out of readings. In this case we can correct this by changing value in "0 position calibration value" numeric box. Changing this value will result in moving trim wheel UP or DOWN. Once we have set wheels to "0" value is stored and used for future position calculations.
To make sure all is calibrated correctly please check in IOTest what is showing line with "Elevator Trim Wheels". This should be exactly 700 (1400 for TQ 2015) while trim wheels are in "0" position.

There are rare situations where "0" position is moved far out of the 700 (1400 for TQ 2015) readings - In this case please contact us via email or Skype.
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