# Build 5.0.1470.1000
135. Installer has been digitally signed to avoid Windows Defender warnings.
# Build 5.0.1460.1000
134. Default Settings bug.
== FIXED ==
# Build 5.0.1450.1000
133. New device PWR CTRL (Power Control). This is USB controller for advanced cockpit Power Control management.
-- ADDED --
132. Bugs in Axe Divided.
== FIXED ==
131. Service for FSlabs A320.
-- ADDED --
130. Error thrown by FSUIPC module if Profile was started before FSUIPC connection was ready.
== FIXED ==
129. Profiler crashing with only ProSim installed due to missing "module" folder.
== FIXED ==
# Build 5.0.1440.1000
128. Small bugs in Settings section.
== FIXED ==
127. Bug in Settings for IO Overhead 2015. Wrong LDG ELEV poti detection.
== FIXED ==
# Build 5.0.1430.1000
126. Support for WX-Radar brightness for new ABRK and EFIS controls panels.
-- ADDED --
125. Support for Prepar3d V4 with related changes in Settings section.
-- ADDED --
124. Stepper Motor Working Speed allows user to set Trim wheels movement speed.
-- ADDED --
123. BKLT driving from Settings for various ovhd versions.
== FIXED ==
122. Bugs in service for IO OVERHEAD 2017.
== FIXED ==
# Build 5.0.1329.1000
121. Problem with different axis types saved in profile.
== FIXED ==
120. Centered axis added.This can be used for any ADC control, which needs negative and positive values like TILT in WXRADAR Panel.
119. Detection for Project Magenta components, FCU, MCDU, PMSystems
-- ADDED --
# Build 5.0.1327.1000
118. Added new device DCDU FO for future compatibility.
117. Added new device DCDU CS for future compatibility.
116. Added new device WX RADAR for future compatibility.
# Build 5.0.1325.1000
114. Changes in About Dialogue Window. Now all hardware firmware version should be available there as long firmware was updated to latest versions.
113. "Disable Auto Trim" option nat saved.
-- FIXED --
112. Bug in Settings/Overhead tab enabling Additional INPUTS or OUTPUTS for different OVHD I/O
-- FIXED --
111. IOTest FCU/Outputs tab, check boxes availability depends on FCU version selected.
-- FIXED --
110. FCU version not saved.
-- FIXED --
109. About box - Added Year of device manufacturing.
108. UI interface reworked.
107. Reworked FSUIPC detection.
# Build 5.0.1310.1000
106. Detection of P3d,FSX connection.
-- FIXED --
105. Support for overriding device in legacy mode.
-- ADDED --
104. initial reading of potentiometers.
-- FIXED --
103. Bug in IO Overhead #2015 detection.
-- FIXED --
102. Reworked synchronization between modules and Profiler.
101. FERUEL USB Driver added to drivers package.
100. CLOCK added as new device to IOTest.
99. Reworked modules detection for FSUIPC and JLFMGS
98. Detection for p3d Version 3 and above
-- ADDED --
97. FCU 2017 PROVersion in Settings section
-- ADDED --
96. IO OVERHEAD 2017 Version in Settings section.
-- ADDED --
95. TQ 2016 Version in Settings section.
-- ADDED --
94. REFUEL/PUSHBACK panels in IOTest section
-- ADDED --
93. IOTest Various bugs
-- FIXED --
# Build 5.0.1270.1000
92. Servo handling bug.
-- FIXED --
91. Minor bugs.
-- FIXED --
# Build 5.0.1240.1000
90. Bugs in IOTesting dialog
-- FIXED --
89. Profiles folder moved to USER\Documents
# Build 5.0.1230.1000
88. Couple of minor bugs.
-- FIXED --
87. Profiler was not starting from Windows AutoStart.
-- FIXED --
86. Bug related to Settings.congig file.
-- FIXED --
# Build 5.0.1210.1000
85. Changed servo calibration logic due to some random issues.. Servo's needs to be calibrated under Settings/MIP page.
-- FIXED --
Build #5.0.1183.1000
84. "Disable Auto Trim" option.
-- ADDED --
83. Legacy hardware compatibility features.
-- ADDED --
82. Minor issues in diagnostic application.
-- FIXED --
81. Under "Settings/TQ" section added option for disabling Automatic Trim. Can be used in case of problems with TQ motor or software issues.
-- ADDED --
end faq
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