Skalarki profiler 5.1 tutorials

1. Installation Guide

Software is supplied as a .exe file with packed all needed components.

Hit Next to proceed to Custom Setup options.  Here user can select features and options for installation. Picking any aircraft will install all needed modules, profiles or any other required files. There is no need to add any other files after installation manually. Whole procedure is fully automated.

Sample installation of ProSim and JeeHell FMGS support - simply select ProSim A320 then JeeHell FMGS, SkalarkiIO SDK and SkalarkiIO USB drivers.

Hit "Next" to finish installation process.

Change default installation folder only if you really have to. There is no reason to change default location and don't advice to do this. Correctly installed application will creates SkalarkiIO Profiler 5.1 folder inside c:/Program Files (x86). Folder structure is always same and shouldn't be changed. Count of installed files might vary depends on options chosen during installation process.

Then in  default ..\Documents|SkalarkiIO Profiler 5.1 folder new "Profiles" folder will be created, if doesn't exist, with profiles for installed aircrafts.

then in default %AppData% location, SkalarkiIO Profielr 5.1 folder will be created with Settings.config file.

When installation is completed press "Finish" button. There is no need to add or edit any files manually. Non of the files needs to be moved or copied to p3d folders.

Removeing SkalarkiIO Profiler is the same as removing any other Windows based application. Go to Windows Settings/Apps&Features page, then locate SkalarkiIO Profiler on installed software list.

Once you click "Uninstall" button process will be initiated. Installed will start then you will see confirmation dialog as Installer needs to know if you are sure what you doing.

Then the process will start. All is totally automatic and there is no need for user interaction during this process. Installer will finish automatically. All files fromyour PC will be removed EXCEPT your custom defined Profiles (as long they have different names then default ones added during installation) and Profielr Settings.config file which keeps your system specific configuration settings.

Please be aware that all license details will stay saved on your machine. There is no need to Activate License after new Profiler installation as long it was Deactivated before deinstallation. For Licence deactivation procedure see point 2.3

2. Licence Management

This is procedure to follow if you have received your license Activation Key via Email. Continuing from point 2.1 you will see Activate Online dialog window:

Go to your email and open message: with Subject: SkalarkiIO Profiler Trial Licence Key.

Copy Supplied Activation key and past to above dialog window.

At this point Licence Key still needs to be activated so press "Activate license key" button

Click "Finish" button and we are ready to use Profiler. In About window then Licence Status tab you can see your License details:

In case, you would like to upgrade your PC or move Profiler to other machine (while your licence limit was reached), you need to deactivate licence from your machine. Licence deactivation can be done using Licence Wizard, which can be initialized from About dialog. Click on "About" button in main Profiler window to open new dialog window.

Then click on "licence Status" tab

Then click on "License Wizard!" button:

Then click on "Deactivate your license" button.

Finally click on "Deactivate license key" button and your license will be deactivated for this machine.

Click "Finish" to exit license Wizard.

3. User Manual

To run SkalarkiIO Profiler just double click on SkalarkiIOProfiler 5.1 link (created on desktop) or directly in installation folder. Once software is running Main window looks like below. Some of the buttons are disable or enabled depends on which aircraft support was installed.

SkalarkiIO Profiler 5.1 Main WindowIn Main window user can find:

- Profiles section with controls for Profiles managing Panel.

- Hardware Status tabs for P&P and non P&P hardware.- Connected software Status Panel.

- Settings Button for specific software settings software and hardware related.

- IO Test Button for connected hardware test.- Firmware Update Button for updating I/O firmware.

- SDK Button to run SDK mode.

Buttons description:

Run - Starts profile highlighted on the Profiles list.

Stop - Stops Running profile.

About - Opens information window, where user can find actual installed firmware versions for all connected Devices.

Edit Profile - Opens new dialogue window where customer can edit highlighted Profile.

Add Profile - Allows to add new Profile to Profiles list.

Delete Profile - Deleting highlighted Profile from Profiles list.

Settings - Opens new dialogue window where some specific configuration can be done.

IO Test - Opens new dialogue window where user can test I/O boards connected to system.

Firmware Update - Opens new dialogue window for managing hardware firmware update process.

Software and Hardware Status Bars:

On each Status Bar user can see connected or disconnected software and hardware devices:If label background is Red - software or device is not working or there is no open connection. If label background is Green - software or device is connected and is working properly.

Status Bar with no connections to hardware and ProSim as chosen aircraft.

To add new empty Profile just click on Add Profile button from main window.

New dialogue window will be shown. Enter new Profile name (New Profile) and click OK.

New, created Profile will be shown on the Profiles list in Main Window.

To delete existing Profile, first highlight Profile name you want to delete, then click Delete Profile button.

One more click to confirm. And profile deleted.

To run Profile, first highlight required profile then click Run Profile Button.

To make FSUIPC connection active start Flight Sim and wait for FSUIPC and/or JeeHell A320 FMGS background becomes green. Once labels are green press button Run.Running JL A320 FMGS profile without hardware connected, without simulator running and without connection to aircraft. Profile is running but Profiler will wait until all boxes on the left are green.

To stop Profile just click on Stop button.

First click on Profile name which you want to edit, then hit button Edit Profile to open new Edit Profile dialogue window.

New Profile Editor dialogue box will be displayed.

Click on the "+" next to the Groups label to open tree of existing definitions.

Going deeper into definitions tree all definitions are available to check or edit. 

Working with Profile is quite intuitive and easy for first time users.

IOTest window is designed to test and detect possible hardware problems. In this mode user will be able to check all inputs and outputs for every connected device. IOTest is an important step in problem detection process and should be performed right after first device connection. P&P devices comes assembled and tested, then there is no need to perform this test, but if something is not working, user can quickly find out if this is hardware or software problem. This way exact information can be send to SKALARKI Support.

IOTest window displays tabs for every device. Each connected device has got "(connected)" label next to name of device.

To test Inputs simply start pressing buttons. Active button will cause change of state. You might to scroll grid to see actual pressed button. If pressing button doesn't reflects in Inputs tab by changing its state - means there is hardware problem. No connection from button or missing GROUND connection. Please make sure all hardware (buttons, encoders, etc...) is correctly detected before proceed to creating and editing Profile.

To test connected outputs, simply tick check box in Output number row. Once check box it checked LED connected to I/O should be powered and visible as ON. No action after ticking check box means - output is not connected properly (LED has got reversed polarisation or connection is missing) or is not connected at all. Each 16 outputs means one outputs socket on I/O (this applies only to I/O GLARE, I/O PEDESTAL and I/O OVERHEAD).

In similar way 7-segment displays can be tested. Type any digit in display row and press Enter to send digit to I/O. Putting space " " in Test field will cause clear digit. Again no action on displays means problem with connection between hardware and I/O.

If potentiometers for ADC are connected and appropriate configuration is done in Settings Window, ADC can be tested as well like other Inputs. Turning potis will reflect by changing values in corresponded line. As ADC is up to 12bits resolution we can expect readings between 0 and 2048 for each channel.

Stepper motor Tab is only available for TQ. By changing slider position, stepper motor will move Trim Wheels to required position.

Settings dialogue window includes some important and useful configuration options. Click Settings button to open Settings window.

Settings window is divided into sections related to software and hardware specific settings.

Default settings / "Run Default Profile as Start"
By checking this check box, user allows default Profile to start automatically after SkalarkiIO Profiler has been launched and software connections has been established. This is exception when software connection doesn't need to be established before Profile was started. In this case SkalarkiIO Profiler is waiting for software connections minimised in system try. Right click on system try icon will display some options to manage running program.

To make selected profile as default - simply click on Set Default Profile button.

Default profile has got "(default)" label added to its name. From now SkalarkiIO Profiler will always start in auto mode and minimised to system tray.

Server Settings
This panel is only available for JeeHell FMGS users, once JeeHell FMGS is chosen as aircraft. If SkalarkiIO Profiler is working on the same PC as FMGS Server - there is no need to change configuration. But if SkalarkiIO Profiler is working on networked machine, IP address must be changed to IP address of PC with FMGS Server running. Please leave port number unchanged.

If selected aircraft is supported by SDK then Server Settings panel looks bit different. in this case we need to set IP address of the machine where Profiler is running. If PC IP address is static we need to type it in Server IP box. If PC is using DHCP with dynamically assigned IP, then please use default local address:

TQ Settings
Settings only for users using SKALARKI TQ. Here you can setup some TQ related features. Depends on Aircraft style selection 2 levers are available for A320 and 4 levers are available for A330/A340.

GLARE Extensions, PEDESTAL Extensions and OVERHEAD Extensions
In these panels user can define what kind of extra features should be activated for each I/O board. Only available options for each I/O are selectable. As standard in complete configuration in PEDESTAL section INPUTS extension is needed and in OVERHEAD INPUTS and OUTPUTS extension is needed. 
For legacy hardware only full OVERHEAD config with Radio and Audio panels included extra DISPLAYS extension is necessarily. With new firmware release all I/O boards can be updated with ADC feature, which means analogue axis (potentiometer) can be connected to each I/O board. Glare I/O for example can handle PFD, ND brightness adjustment for both CS and FO side. I/O PEDESTAL can handle Flaps and Spoilers actions etc... 
In all new P&P modules user can enable/disable some features depending what is user's current configuration.

Important note: If ADC inputs are not used - they can't be configured as available - this can cause I/O malfunctions!

Once configuration is done - hit "Save" button to store all settings for the future. Settings are stored in .xml file located in Application data user default folder inside \SkalarkiIO Profiler 5.1 folder.

Firmware Update mode allows user to program panels with latest firmware version. Firmware updates will add new functionality to panels and/or will fix problems not found during testing procedure.

During firmware update only device you want to update should be visible to PC. Please disconnect all other SKALARKI hardware or disable them from Device Manager.

To update firmware, user will need boot device in a special programming mode. See point 3.9 for details.

Once device is in special programming mode, button Firmware Update becomes available. Clicking on this button will open Program Device dialogue window. Next click on Load button and point to folder where .hex file is stored. 

Once .hex file is loaded press Program button.

Confirmation message informs about success of programming procedure. Click OK then Exit to close Program Device window and finish Firmware Update procedure.

After programming is completed, switch updated device Off and then after 15 seconds On. If for any reason programming wasn't successful, procedure has to be started from beginning.

1. FCU PROVersion 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply.

- Press and hold SPD/MACH button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Go to point 11

2. Upper Pedestal 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply.

- Press and hold EMER CANC button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Windows should detect new USB device.

- Go to point 11

3. Lower Pedestal 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply.

- Press and hold RESET button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Go to point 11

4. ATC TCAS 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply (remove USB plug).

- Press and hold IDENT button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Go to point 10

5. MCDU 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply.

- Press and hold BRT button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Go to point 11

6.RMP 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply (remove USB plug).

- Press and hold NAV button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Go to point 11

7. ACP 2014, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply (remove USB plug).

- Press and hold PA button then switch power ON still holding button.

- Go to point 11

8. TQ 2014, 2015, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply.

- Press and hold FIRE ENG1 button then switch power ON still holding button. 

- Or press and hold both red ATHR take over buttons on TQ handles, then switch power ON still holding buttons. If above methods are not working button on TQ IO needs to be used.

- Press and hold BROWN button then switch power ON still holding button. This needs removing TQ from Pedestal and this is rather for older TQ versions.

- Go to point 11

9. CLOCK, Rev1, Rev2, Rev3

- Switch OFF power supply (remove USB plug).

- Press and hold SET button then connect USB cable back, still holding button.

- Go to point 11

10. ABRK Panel, Rev03, Rev04, Rev05, 2015, 2016

- Switch OFF power supply

- Press and hold RST button from ISIS Panel and still holding button pressed connect Power back.

- Go to point 11


- Windows should detect new USB device.

- If driver is not loaded automatically, please load driver manually pointing to SkalarkiIO/USB drivers/BOOTLOADER folder.

- Once driver is loaded please follow instructions from point 8 (Firmware Update).

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